
Monday, 3 August 2015

Cats vs Dogs

who’s better
Around the world

Cat or Dogs. You may not recognize this, but around the world people argue and argue about who’s better, Cats or Dogs.
First off, let’s talk about cats. Well first and foremost Cats are Felines .Cats are very intelligent. They can be left Home for many hours when your out, unlike dogs and Cats are clean. When I lived with my Auntie and Uncle they had a Cat. Living with a Cat is mostly peaceful. I dont know if their cat liked me but, I liked her. She was very cuddly and very warm. I remember when she used to purr at me every time I stroked my hand through her soft, smooth hair.

Dogs, Dogs are obviously in the canine family. Have you ever heard the popular phrase, “Dogs are a mans best friend”. I once had a dog, I used to take her for runs. I used to love playing fetch with her (which cats don’t normally do). According to communicate in many ways. Besides using their voices to bark, growl or whine, dogs also use different parts of their bodies. The position of their ears and facial expression can tell you if your pet is scared, happy or sad. Many people don’t realize a wagging tail does not always mean a dog is happy”. Dogs all around the world are cuddly and very cute. They are very energetic in many ways. Dogs may not be clean but still their luvable.

In conclusion I’ve written positive stuff about both sides of this argument and hope you were persuaded by this writing about who is better. For me I am a Dog person so I recommend dogs but,

Who do you choose “Cats or Dogs”

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