
Friday, 18 September 2015

Room 8 2015 Speeches

If you are wanting to be a teacher, you must Read. If you are wanting to be a mechanic, you must Read. No matter what you do, you must read. Reading is a MUST in today's World. Reading develops and improves language skills, vocabulary, Creativity and Memory as well as your Imagination. Somehow reading also reduces people stress.

People think and assume that reading is one of the most uninteresting subjects in class. Well they're wrong, all they have to do is put their mind to it. Once they put their mind to it they will eventually find that reading is interesting, fun and amusing.

Applying yourself to any job requires you to be able to read. Another reason why reading is a must in today’s world. Reading is compulsory at school because It improves your knowledge. It improves you at Spelling, Social Studies,Science, Writing and even Mathematics. To be able to be the person you could be, You need to read. Reading is one of the most important subjects at school, why? because  Reading improves you at all subjects in life.

Secondly Reading improves your Creativity and Imagination. Reading a book is like watching a movie but just looking at words. Looking at those words helps you to imagine what the story is about. In my experience, reading books is a close competition to watching movies. Movies are pretty cool but reading stories and books helps you academically. It helps you by learning new, former and detailed words. Being able to know new detailed words makes people think of you as, a smart, onto it and independent person.

Reducing Stress, Reading is one of the fastest ways to reduce people's stress. Six minutes is enough to reduce any person's stress. While reading you think more calmly and you retreat from stress for a period of time.

Entertainment, Reading may be to help and advance you academically but remember It may be for your entertainment as well. As I said before Reading is like watching a movie. Imagining what the story or the reading is telling us is sometimes infact for our entertainment. I love reading books now for my enjoyment. Sometimes I get carried away and distracted from reading a book because it's either a humorous book or it a fascinating and interesting novel to read.

If you are of Christian Faith, wouldn’t you have to read and analyse the Bible to support and  guide your decision. Wouldn’t you need to read the Bible to receive the many words of God. While you read the Bible don’t you received wisdom. This is why the people of God, Reading is a Must to today's World.

In conclusion if I didn’t know how to read It would probably be impossible for me to be writing these facts and information to why reading is important. And As you already know Room 8 , Mrs Dines repeatedly tells each and everyone of us that you don't learn to read, you read to learn. THANK YOU

1 comment:

  1. Great care ideas to support your point of view. Great application of the structure for this form of writing and great delivery too. Well done.
