
Friday, 12 June 2015

My Weekend

My weekend last week was just the same old weekend like every week. Waking up at around 8-9 and then watch television. It was Saturday and I had to buy some groceries for our dinner at my families farewell, My family was going to Taiwan again for another four years. During the time I was at the farewell party I was playing some games on my cousin's phone and watching my younger family members.. We all had a massive and delicious feed and there was still heaps of food left, so we brought some back home.

By the time it was midnight my mum and dad took me back home with my little nephews. Before I was leaving, I came to say my last goodbye’s to my family. I took one last photo with them. We all were smiling with Joy.  

I got home around 12:20 and I was very tired. Walking to my room was just somehow hard. Falling asleep was certainly easy for me.I slept for a long period of time.

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