
Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Multiplying a Decimal

In room 8 we made an investigation about multiplying decimals. The task was to roll the dice four times to make an estimated whole number.  Then record the number in the table. After we flipped the coin we watched if it landed on heads or tails. if it landed on heads the decimal point is placed one before the end of the number. If it landed on tails the point is placed in  the middle of the four digits. After doing this we multiply it by 10,000 and 1000. To multiply a decimal by 10, 100 and 1000 we had to move the point to the right according to how many zero's there are.

St Patricks

The handsome Villains and his Escape

The handsome Villains and his Escape.

Learning intention : In room 8 we used a writing resource, it prompts us on an adventure, fantasy, sci-fi and scrambler.

Today something very awful happened Auckland, New Zealand. Some time today some one stole the sacred book from the Castle of Sacredness. The thief that stole the sacred book was the very handsome villain Romeo.

Romeo was a genius about his tremendous plan to steal the Sacred book. He first Through a smoke bomb into the castle of Sacredness and And flew up to the top of the building with his amazing and gorgeous wings. He was up there for a minute until he finally cut the roof with his super hot laser eyes. He drop down to the ground with his right hand smashing through the ground just like, a flying super hero just entered the battlefield. After he landed to the ground he through a smoke bomb again. He put on his see through smoke goggles that also look really cool like black sunglasses. He ran like lightning to the safe and burnt through it with his mighty laser eyes and there he goes through the the front door of the castle of sacredness with the Sacred book.

And there is that for today and we all saw this Evil but Handsome villain escape with the Sacred book through the security camera and hope you enjoyed today's News Papers, And this is News News.


Idea's for our gardens

Monday, 30 March 2015

My name

My goals

Cool Schools

My amazing morning

bottom court.
Mourning Tee.
Cause it was our break time and we wanted to play touch.
We had a rugby ball.

It was a very nice sunny day and it was Morning Tea time (our snack break) and I decided to play a game of  Touch with Isaac, Kolio, Johnnie, Giovanni and Folau. Us boys played 3 against 3, Me, Folau and Giovanni against Johnnie, Kolio and Isaac.

It was a pretty close game until the second half of Morning Tea when they started to demolish us. It was pretty embarrassing but we caught up with them with our tries that we scored. Then we were all tied up.

Johnnie was by himself because Isaac and Kolio were taking a break. It was 3 on 1, Johnnie took a step up to our defensive line we prepared for his attack to try and score a try on our try line. Johnnie was stepping the air left to right, forward and back until Johnnie ran to the side of the court where room 8 is and kicked the yellow and black rugby ball to the fence, which rebounded off the fence and Johnnie caught the rugby ball and scored a try against our defensive line. I felt quite depressed and sad but then the Morning Tea bell rang to warn us to get back to class and It was all over.
We couldn't score a last minute try or do anything  to tie the game, and Now that it was all over we all rushed to the water fountain took a drink and then we walked back to class like a big group of friends.

Now That is my story about my very amazing Morning Tea.