
Tuesday, 1 December 2015

First Holy Communion

Others in my class
first Holy Communion
22nd November
St Patrick's Church
Eating Bread and Blood our Lord Jesus Christ

I've been waiting to have My first Holy Communion since I could even remember, and Today was the day. It is the 22nd of November 2015 and two other students from my school class Anna and Filipo which also are having their first Holy Communion. I had it at the Church I go to every Sunday, Saint Patricks. To be able to receive our Lord Jesus Christ’s body and blood, My Holy Communion class had to learn the many Sacraments since this year march.

My parents have been waiting for a long time as well. During the week I’ve been buying clothes for myself to wear on my special day. My Communion teacher Ana tells us students that there are only 4 really special moments in our Life which is the Sacrament of Baptism, the Sacrament of Holy Communion (which I am going through), The Sacrament of Marriage and the Sacrament of death. These are the days where everyone that you know looks at you and has your attention. Now that today was the day, My parents have been very proud of me and what I am going to receive for the first time.

Today was a very special day, I was told to project my voice as I read the first Reading at Mass today. Before the moments I was about to read, I was shaking, I could feel butterflies in my tummy, I was filled with nervousness. I felt terrified going up to read, but I went up anyway. I read one of the Readings from the Prophet Daniel. I rehearsed, practiced and learned this reading for like two weeks, so I probably had no reason to be terrified. At the time I was reading I started to build confidence in myself and have less fear in talking to the audience. Finishing off the Reading was really quite easy to be honest. As I left to go return myself to my seat I felt in my heart that I was proud of the way I read to the audience.

Afterwards As Father was blessing the bread and the wine us Holy Communion kids had to walk up in front of the Altar in a line facing to Jesus on the Cross to wait to receive him for the first time. We all ate and drank the bread and the wine one by one. I think I was like the fourth to last person to receive Jesus in the line. As I ate the body, it tasted like a ice cream cone, and as I drank the wine, I had a strange taste in my mouth which was very dry and different. Later on when each individual received Jesus the children that Had their first Holy Communion received a certificate to show that us kids have learnt about the sacraments of the eucharist and reconciliation. This certificate shows us where and when we receive the Eucharist for the first time.

After when Mass was finished Us kids had a big, large group photo that so we could all cherish this moment and time together. Then we took photos with just our families and then when the photos were all done and dusted we all gathered in the Hall to celebrate our special time.

We all ate and drank lots of food and drinks in the hall but before we did we had said a little prayer to ourselves and the one of the many things I said in my head was how thankful I was to Receive the Lord, Jesus Christ, the son of God for the very first time, and how happy I was to receive him.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

The Minotaur

Today we conducted research about creatures that may have come from mythological terms or creatures known as bigfoot or the loch ness monster who are known to be true or false which is a mystery to be identified.I have chosen to make a presentation of a creature I've known ever since I read graphic novels about Greek Myths, The Minotaur.  

Wednesday, 28 October 2015


I am learning to use my listening skills to find and retrieve imformation

Monday, 19 October 2015

Kiwi Kids news

As part of our independent reading programme we use this resource and respond to questions that promote ‘Thinking’ these all relate to the article read.

Sport’s Richest Get Richer

1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?
“The world’s highest-paid athletes are richer than those who dominated the same list 20 years ago”

2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.
In the text its says to us that some of the Sport’s richest get richer. It shows us how much the former best sports players got paid and the current champions get paid.

3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.
There is no place for this announcement

4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future.
This event happened on the 22nd of September 2015 and probably closer to the future athletes may be paid more.

5. Explain in your own words why this event took place?
Because it showed us that former athletes didn't get paid as much as current athletes here today.

Electronic Spreadsheet

 Today I constructed a pie and a bar graph using a Google Spreadsheet. Firstly I entered my datain in the first 2 columns. I then selected this information and the graph

Monday, 12 October 2015

Angles of Triangles

Today in Maths we investigated the angles of triangles. Firstly I drew a equilateral and ripped and torn out the corners and following on my class and I put each of our corners together to form a straight line. Later on we did the exact thing but drawing and cutting out the corners of a Isosceles triangle. As we put them together the corners of this triangle also was able to transform into one strait line. As we all were discussing and talking about triangles out teacher mrs Dines told each and everyone of us that all triangles add up to 180 degrees. As you see this image on the right shows that even a isosceles triangle add up to 180 degrees.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Te Reo

WALHT : To use Te Reo in our everyday

Thursday, 24 September 2015


Part of our reading programme involves the use of the Kiwikids news resource.  This independent reading task incorporates the application of higher order thinking skills to respond to comprehension tasks about specific articles.

1. Find a quote from the main person in this news article?
The news journalist quoted  “The All Blacks have started their defence of the World Cup with a hard fought 26-16 victory over Argentina” to  inform their reader audience of the outcome of the game.

2. In your own words describe what happened in this news article.
The first half saw the All Blacks not up to the standard that people expected and this resulted in the Puma’s leading 13-12. Partially this score was also the result of two key players on the All Blacks team being sin binned. The second the tables were turned and All Black fought back to win the game 26 -16.
3. Find out where this event took place and include some information about this place.
The game was held at the Wembley Stadium in London, England.

4. Tell us when this event happened and explain what might happen in the future.
This first game for the All Black was on the 21st of September in NZ time. New Zealander's hope to see the All Blacks bring home the World Cup again at the end of the Competition

5. Explain in your own words why this event took place.
Every four years the RWC is held, They first start off playing in pool stages to compete to higher stages like quarter, semi finals etc.

Monday, 21 September 2015


Room 8
Build the courage to work more cooperatively.
At the Marine Education Recreation Centre [MERC].
Before the school holidays.
By working as a team.

My experience at Merc has allowed me opportunity to build the courage to work cooperatively with no arguments which has also helped me to build confidence  and my ability to trust others.

I built  my courage to work co-operatively by building our shelter for the year 8’s. We all worked together quickly and efficiently, I think we worked like that because we had a time limit. While I was working with the year 8’s I was pretty relieved that we didn’t argue once.

I was more confident about trusting my teammates by the time I left Merc. I was more confident when I was climbing the giant ladder because I had a fear of heights and I was hanging and connected to a rope, which if my teammates let go or jumped i would of fell straight to the ground.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Room 8 2015 Speeches

If you are wanting to be a teacher, you must Read. If you are wanting to be a mechanic, you must Read. No matter what you do, you must read. Reading is a MUST in today's World. Reading develops and improves language skills, vocabulary, Creativity and Memory as well as your Imagination. Somehow reading also reduces people stress.

People think and assume that reading is one of the most uninteresting subjects in class. Well they're wrong, all they have to do is put their mind to it. Once they put their mind to it they will eventually find that reading is interesting, fun and amusing.

Applying yourself to any job requires you to be able to read. Another reason why reading is a must in today’s world. Reading is compulsory at school because It improves your knowledge. It improves you at Spelling, Social Studies,Science, Writing and even Mathematics. To be able to be the person you could be, You need to read. Reading is one of the most important subjects at school, why? because  Reading improves you at all subjects in life.

Secondly Reading improves your Creativity and Imagination. Reading a book is like watching a movie but just looking at words. Looking at those words helps you to imagine what the story is about. In my experience, reading books is a close competition to watching movies. Movies are pretty cool but reading stories and books helps you academically. It helps you by learning new, former and detailed words. Being able to know new detailed words makes people think of you as, a smart, onto it and independent person.

Reducing Stress, Reading is one of the fastest ways to reduce people's stress. Six minutes is enough to reduce any person's stress. While reading you think more calmly and you retreat from stress for a period of time.

Entertainment, Reading may be to help and advance you academically but remember It may be for your entertainment as well. As I said before Reading is like watching a movie. Imagining what the story or the reading is telling us is sometimes infact for our entertainment. I love reading books now for my enjoyment. Sometimes I get carried away and distracted from reading a book because it's either a humorous book or it a fascinating and interesting novel to read.

If you are of Christian Faith, wouldn’t you have to read and analyse the Bible to support and  guide your decision. Wouldn’t you need to read the Bible to receive the many words of God. While you read the Bible don’t you received wisdom. This is why the people of God, Reading is a Must to today's World.

In conclusion if I didn’t know how to read It would probably be impossible for me to be writing these facts and information to why reading is important. And As you already know Room 8 , Mrs Dines repeatedly tells each and everyone of us that you don't learn to read, you read to learn. THANK YOU

Monday, 31 August 2015

Spot the Difference

As part of the immersion stage of our inquiry. We are developing knowledge and understanding about Antarctica and the Arctic. As you can see I was able to reach 10/10 and I really enjoyed this quiz.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015


Yesterday we had a quick quiz about being cybersmart. As you can see above I completed this test with a 100%  score (25/25). I really enjoyed this quiz, I found it fun and I really learned some stuff about being cybersmart.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Me and my buddy

Today My Room 2 buddy (Sione) came and visited me at my class Room 8. I first commented on some on his work on his blog and after took photos with him. The photo on the bottom is us being Sione's favourite movie character, Shrek.

Monday, 10 August 2015


WALHT  Use the steps of Lectio Divina

Ko Te Ratu 21 O Te Hongongoi Tenei Ra

This morning Scripture from 2 Timothy 4:6-8 was about how we can live our lives. Paul was in prison and sad. Paul begged Timothy and his friends to come visit him. Paul had Loving Faith for people of God.  He thought his life was about to end. Paul was grateful of living a full life.

God’s Words to us were:
Do you know anyone who has lived a full life. Take a time to Yourself and pray for this person. For example an ageing relative or a neighbor. Pray for the person's needs and take some advice from them about life.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Word Scramble

  1. I’m flying to Mexico on Sunday.
  2. Last night she saw a very interesting film.
  3. There’s snow on the road so drive carefully.
  4. You can see the mountains from this window.
  5. She sent me a ticket but I left it at home.I’m flying to Mexico on Sunday.

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Homework Should Be Banned

Persuasive Reading Analysis: Homework should be banned.
Take another look at the persuasive piece of reading/ writing.
What strategies does the author use to try to persuade you?
Below are strategies writers often use for this form of writing.  Read through each
strategy and decide whether the author used that strategy by writing yes or no in the second column. If you write yes, then explain how the author used that strategy.
Persuasive strategy
Yes / No
How the author used it?
Claim – States the main  
point or stance
The first claim the author has written is ‘Most little kids get far too much homework’. This tells the audience that this author is arguing about the amount of homework kids get.
Big Names –  Mentions experts and
important people to support the argument

Logos – Uses logic, numbers, or  
facts to support the argument
One of the facts this author explains to us is that ‘Sitting around for hours doing homework is dreadfully unhealthy’. This statement reports back to the audience as a idea of kids not being healthy and fit because of the amount of homework kids receive at school.
Pathos – Appeals to the audience’s emotions
This writer tells us readers that parents get frustrated by homework and children's get stressed out by homework.                                                                       
Ethos – Tries to build trust and
This author tries to persuade the audience with Ethological idea such as “Kids work hard at school all day so they need time to relax and refresh their brains”.
Kairos – Builds a sense of urgency  
for the cause

Research – Uses studies and  
information to make the  
argument seem more convincing;  
this can be in the form of words,
graphs, tables, or illustrations

Wednesday, 5 August 2015



Scripture Reference Psalms 4:5- A Prayer for Protection

From the scripture the words that stands out to me are-

Hear my cry for help,
   my King and my God,
   for to you I pray.

To me this means-
God when I need help please hear me, for to you I will pray

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Square Skills

LI: Apply the formula to find the area and perimeter of given shapes.

Screenshot 2015-08-04 at 10.12.09 AM.png 40cm

perimetre= 120 cm
Area= 800

Screenshot 2015-08-04 at 10.12.20 AM.png


Perimetre = 60=60=40=40=200cm
40x80=2400 cm

i. Which rectangular shape needs the least binding?
ii. Which rectangular shape needs the most binding?
Both rectangles need the same amount of binding because they both have the same amount of squares.

Brief Explanation: The task involved us finding the area and designing it.and involved the math operations of addition and multiplication.


Persuasive Reading Analysis: Cellphones
Take another look at the persuasive piece of reading/ writing.
What strategies does the author use to try to persuade you?
Below are strategies writers often use for this form of writing.  Read through each
strategy and decide whether the author used that strategy by writing yes or no in the second column. If you write yes, then explain how the author used that strategy.

Persuasive strategy
Yes / No
How the author used it?
Claim – States the main  
point or stance
The author make his or hers claim in the title of the story saying “The Great Mobile Phone Debate, Should children use mobiles?
Big Names –  Mentions experts and
important people to support the argument

Logos – Uses logic, numbers, or  
facts to support the argument
One of the author’s facts that supports his debate about Should children use mobiles was that “Mobile phones emit a dosage of radiation, which is harmful to the user and cause severe brain damage”.
Pathos – Appeals to the audience’s emotions
One of the appeals he used to reach to his audience were “ Parents should think carefully before purchasing a mobile phone for their child ”.                              
Ethos – Tries to build trust and credibility
“Mobiles are useful, however. They enable parents to maintain contact with their children whenever they need to. There are also obvious benefits to their use in emergency situations”. This is one of the trust and credibility facts that this author puts in his or hers work.
Kairos – Builds a sense of urgency  
for the cause
“The recent rise in crimes associated with mobiles is a worrying trend: many of our children are under threat of violence merely by the possession of a phone”. This author is trying to tell us that people may be threatened if you are a child with a possession of a phone.
Research – Uses studies and  information to make the  
argument seem more convincing;  this can be in the form of words, graphs, tables, or illustrations.